Lupus Awareness with Minister Hajdu

Lupus Canada would like to thank Minister Patty Hajdu for taking time to speak with us on May 20, 2021 at our Lupus Awareness Month Self-Advocacy Webinar. Minister of HealthLocation: Thunder Bay—Superior North The Honourable Patty Hajdu was first elected as the Member...

Mental Health and Lupus

Our third Advocacy Webinar – Mental Health and Lupus, took place on April 29, 2021. Janice LeBlanc, a Registered Psychotherapist, addressed topics such as ‘How lupus can impact mental health’,  ‘What help and/or programs are available’, ‘How would a lupus patient...
2021 Recipients of the Lupus Canada Catalyst Award

2021 Recipients of the Lupus Canada Catalyst Award

Researchers Dr. Zahi Touma & Dr. Michelle Barraclough University Health Network A pilot study examining the relationship between cognitive dysfunction and cognitive fatigue in SLE using structural and functional MRIs of the brain and focusing on the underlying...

Managing Your Finances

The ‘Managing Your Finances While Living With Lupus’ webinar took place on March 18, 2021. Our guest speaker, Vikas Tiwari who is Lupus Canada’s Treasurer, is an experienced Wealth Management professional and currently manages an independent wealth advisory practice...