
April 2024


Vaccination records or receipts are issued by your province or territory. Current COVID-19 vaccination documents aren’t standardized for international travel.

  • Some provinces and territories have created a secure proof of vaccination document for non-essential services within their province or Canada.
    • This proof may be used for activities like going to restaurants and sporting events.
    • You may be able to use these secure documents if you need to travel outside the country.
    • Each foreign country determines what it will accept at its border. Check your destination country’s rules and make sure your documents, including proof of vaccination, meet their requirements.

Visit your province or territory’s website to get a record.

For more information, please visit

Lupus Blog Articles: Lupus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet est requiem deste natur.

Scientists say they have identified a root cause of lupus — one that could pave the way for new treatments


Belimumab (Benlysta) Now Approved in Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick for Lupus Nephritis


Megakaryocyte: a new player in systemic lupus erythematosus
