One Catalyst Award for a total of $40,000 CDN to fund one project for a term of one year (Current year)

Lupus Canada has partnered with the Lupus Foundation of America to offer the Lupus Canada Catalyst Grant. The Catalyst grant is intended to help kick-start a new project or research idea focused on discoid or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).  This grant provides support to Canadian investigators to initiate new research ideas and projects and is intended to complement rather than compete with traditional sources of funding such as the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).

Applications are due February 9th, 2024.

For full eligibility and application requirements, please visit

Lupus Blog Articles:

Scientists say they have identified a root cause of lupus — one that could pave the way for new treatments


Belimumab (Benlysta) Now Approved in Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick for Lupus Nephritis


Megakaryocyte: a new player in systemic lupus erythematosus
